
巴雷特的 食道


巴雷特的 esophagus is a chronic condition in which the lining of the esophagus — the "food tube" that connects the throat to the stomach — is damaged by bile or acid from the stomach. The damage is characterized by changes in the cells at the base of the esophagus. 食管细胞逐渐变长变厚, 最终变得像肠细胞.

Normally, the body has a mechanism to prevent stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. 食道底部的环形肌肉带, 叫做食管下括约肌, 密封关闭和防止胃内容物上升. But certain conditions, such as chronic 胃食管反流病(GERD) or 肥胖,削弱括约肌. When that happens, stomach acid can gurgle up 和 burn the lower end of the esophagus.

偶尔 胃灼热 is harmless, but chronic GERD can set the stage for 巴雷特的 esophagus. Experts estimate that between 10 和 15 percent of people with GERD will develop 巴雷特的 esophagus.

巴雷特的 esophagus is serious because it increases a person's risk for a type of cancer called 食道腺癌. 在大多数情况下, 癌前细胞, 被称为不典型增生, 先出现,为早期干预提供机会.


UCSF's gastroenterologists specialize in preventing, diagnosing 和 treating 巴雷特的 esophagus. 我们使用内窥镜——一种薄的, flexible tube fitted with a camera – to determine whether 癌前细胞 have developed in the lining of the esophagus. 如果不是, 或者细胞是否处于早期阶段, we monitor the patient 和 prescribe medications that protect the esophagus by limiting the stomach's acid production. 对于晚期病例, 我们通常使用最先进的技术, minimally invasive techniques to remove or destroy the 癌前细胞. The last option is surgically removing the damaged portion of the esophagus.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

巴雷特的 esophagus itself has no 症状 but its precursor, 胃食管反流病(GERD), 做. 胃反流的症状包括经常性的胃灼热, which is often described as a painful burning sensation either in the chest, 胸骨后面, 或者在腹部中间.

However, not all people with 巴雷特的 esophagus have chronic 胃灼热. As many as half of all 巴雷特的 esophagus patients don't have any 症状 at all. 因为这种情况可能不会被发现, it's good to know about other risk factors for 巴雷特的 esophagus, 其中包括:

  • 肥胖
  • 吸烟
  • Gender (men are twice as likely as women to get 巴雷特的 esophagus)
  • Age (巴雷特的 esophagus is more common in people age 50 or older)
  • 一个有这种病的家庭成员


巴雷特食管被诊断为an 上胃肠内镜检查活组织检查.

进行上消化道内镜检查, 十大赌博平台排行榜穿细针, 柔性管通过口, down the esophagus 和 into the stomach while the patient is lightly sedated. The endoscope has a flashlight 和 camera on one end that allows the doctor to inspect the esophageal lining for cellular changes that might indicate dysplasia. The doctor can also use the endoscope to take small tissue samples called 活组织检查. These samples help doctors diagnose the presence 和 grade of 巴雷特的 esophagus.

新技术还允许十大赌博平台排行榜进行光学活检, 不需要切除任何组织吗.


  • No dysplasia, meaning the patient has 巴雷特的 esophagus but no precancerous cellular changes
  • Low-grade dysplasia, meaning cells show early signs of precancerous changes
  • High-grade dysplasia, meaning cells are moving toward esophageal cancer


Treatment of 巴雷特的 esophagus depends on the condition's severity, 发育不良的程度和患者的整体健康状况.

The first line of treatment is often surveillance 和 medication. If the biopsy shows no or even low-grade dysplasia, we may simply monitor the patient for changes. That may mean a follow-up endoscopy in six months to a year 和, for some patients, daily medication.

For Bartlett's esophagus, the most common type of drug therapy is proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs. These medications are designed to treat GERD 和 work by suppressing the stomach's acid production. 胃酸越少,对食道的伤害就越小. PPIs最好是短期服用. 常见ppi的例子包括:

  • 奥美拉唑(奥美拉唑)
  • Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
  • Pantoprazole (Protonix)
  • 雷(AcipHex)
  • 拉唑(埃索美拉唑)
  • Dexlansoprazole (Dexilant)

If GERD 症状 don't respond to medication or if the patient has high-grade dysplasia, the doctor may recommend an endoscopic procedure to remove or destroy the abnormal cells or dysplasia. The approach depends on the patient 和 how far the 巴雷特的 esophagus has progressed. 三种常见的程序是:

  • Esophageal mucosal resection: The doctor lifts the damaged tissue, 在下面注入溶液作为缓冲, 然后用圈套或吸盘去除受影响的组织.
  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection: The doctor injects a solution under the targeted area, 然后用高科技刀解剖这个区域. This technique allows for the removal of larger 和 potentially deeper lesions.
  • Radiofrequency ablation: This approach uses radio waves to heat 和 kill pre-cancerous 和/or cancerous cells.

The last 和 final step for treating 巴雷特的 esophagus is the surgical removal of the damaged sections of the esophagus, 一种叫做食管切除术的手术. Afterward, the surgeon rebuilds the esophagus from part of the stomach or large intestine.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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